Chiropractic Care for People

Chiropractic means 'done by hand'.

A Chiropractor's main concern is the spine and the nervous system and how well they are functioning. The spine consists of 24 moveable vertebrae that extends from below the skull to the area between the hips. These vertebrae are connected to the one above and below via joints and its surrounding joint capsules, ligaments and muscles. These structures allow the spine to function as a dynamic unit. Between the vertebrae there are cartilage discs that act as shock absorbers. These discs also reduce friction and allow increased movement in the spine. A pair of spinal nerves, originating from the spinal cord, exit between each vertebra. The 31 pairs of spinal nerves form a complex network that affects every organ, tissue and cell in the body. 

The Chiropractor's task is to evaluate the biomechanical function of the spine ensuring that the individual vertebrae are moving at their respective joints, as restricted movement at a joint can affect the associated spinal nerve at that level causing the nerve to become irritated either through direct pressure or indirect stimulation.

Chiropractic care has been shown too effectively and safely treat many conditions that are nerve, muscle and joint related. These neuromusculoskeletal conditions can range from neck pain, headaches (including migraines), shoulder, elbow and wrist pain, tingling in the arms/hands or legs, back pain, hip pain, sciatica, knee pain and foot pain. Therefore, conditions related to any joint in the body can potentially be treated with Chiropractic care. 

There are numerous benefits of Chiropractic care to the human body, whilst most people think our treatment is limited to the spine, we are actually able to treat all joints and soft tissue structures (such as muscles) throughout the body. We use evidence-based methods to aid with recovery from neuromusculoskeletal conditions which may be chronic (present for over 6 weeks) or acute (present for under 6 weeks).

Some of the brief benefits of care include reduction of pain and inflammation, improved mobility through joints and increased flexibility in muscles. Tension of muscles may be reduced and coordination and balance can improve. All of these directly impact our ability to carry out activities of daily living, and may lead to improvements in sleep and increased focus. We know that pain may cause an increase in stress levels in the body, which in turn affects our levels of concentration and can lead to difficulties relaxing.

Benefits of care in sports include improving power, balance, coordination and joint range of motion; all vital factors within achieving high performance and preventing injuries in those who put their bodies through great stress of training to an intense level.

What does a Chiropractic appointment entail?

The Chiropractor will start taking a complete health history including:

Current pain location, type of pain, how and when it started, what aggravates or alleviates the pain, past health history including medical conditions, injuries, accidents, falls, surgeries, current medications etc. and a family medical history

Following the history, a physical exam will be performed which includes:

Posture assessment, Range of motion assessment, Neurological tests including reflexes, sensation and muscle tests, Orthopaedic tests specific to the area.

An X-ray examination and blood tests may sometimes be required and the Chiropractor will refer you back to your GP if this is necessary.

Following the health history and examination....

The Chiropractor will discuss the findings of the examination and the treatment options available. Treatment will be provided and the patient will be provided with home care recommendations. Typically, a follow-up appointment will be booked to assess the response to treatment and to provide follow-up treatment and advice.

Registered Chiropractor

GCC-UK:      04483

AHPCSA:     A11668

Instagram @spinealign_wellness